EOL Summer High School Program

Summer Leadership Experience for High School Students and Educators

Welcome to Edge of Leadership for High School, a three-day leadership experience that pushes the limits of both students and educators to discover the confidence found in hard work, collaboration, and success. Through shared group experiences and adventures on the High 5® campus and challenge course, students and educators will:

  • Practice using sound judgment and making healthy choices
  • Realize the potential of communication, dialogue, and collaboration
  • Discover the empowering confidence to lead by example
  • Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Learn skills for making a positive difference in their school communities

2025 Summer Dates:

  • Week 1: July 29th – July 31st
  • Week 2: August 5th – August 7th

We believe the EOL experience opens doors to new collaborations between students, educators, and administrators that help make our schools and communities work to their highest potential. During EOL, teams from each site attending will dialog, set goals, and plan for the upcoming year. The new skills and perspectives learned will create new energy to help set a framework around the issues that they choose to take on. Each school and community has their own culture and their own issues, so we can’t tell you how to find success, but we’ll give you the skills and tools to discover it within all of you. Throughout the year, High 5 stays connected to each team, helping to facilitate and guide the leadership path that each team has chosen.

EOL isn’t for everyone; it’s an investment in your community requiring patience, courage, and commitment. If you and others at your school or site are ready to make a difference, give us a call. We’d love to talk with you about how Edge of Leadership may support your students and educators.