Professional Development for Educators

Apart from Edge of Leadership’s (EOL) work with youth, High 5® can offer professional development designed to help educators strengthen social-emotional development through integrating EOL themes and practices in their own classrooms. We can work with you and your organization to create a unique long-term professional development experience for your particular needs and budget. To learn more, email us at Training topics regarding EOL themes and practices include, but are not limited to:

  • Relationship building and setting expectations for classroom behavior
  • The foundations of social-emotional learning and adventure in the classroom
  • How educators can be role models to inspire social and emotional learning (SEL) development
  • How the three EOL themes (Connect, Empower, Lead) weave into everyday experiences in the classroom
  • Growth-oriented approaches to undesired classroom behavior

College & University Affiliations

We are continuing our long-term collaboration with Keene State College college credit for High 5 and EOL programs. Additionally, we’re exploring affiliations with other colleges and universities as we plan to expand our offerings. 
