Ian is the Director of Design & Installation, and also a talented lead builder for High 5. He is responsible for all of our building department’s logistics and development including proposals, scheduling and customer liaison. “I love the connections I have with our customers,” he says. “I also love designing challenge courses that really meet the program needs. It’s great when a customer can see our ideas and really starts to get excited.”
With a background in both building and adventure management–he worked for three years building timber-frame homes and has a bachelor’s degree from Lyndon State College in Adventure Based Programming–he also is a certified NOLS instructor and has taught backpacking, rock and ice climbing, mountaineering, canoeing and kayaking, skiing, team building and challenge course programs.
Ian coordinates all aspects regarding challenge course design from inspections, repairs and new construction. He’s usually the first person customers talk to when they want to start a program and will be the one to visit them for the first site evaluation. He has been in the adventure field since 1996 and joined High 5 in 2004. He is known among his colleagues as being very thorough and conscientious. “Ian’s thoroughness adds a lot of quality to everything we do at High 5,” says Jim Grout.
130 Austine Drive, Suite 170
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Office: 802-254-8718
Toll Free: 877-356-4445
Fax: 802-251-7203
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