High 5’s resident authority on design, construction and inspection of challenge course facilities, Todd has built hundreds of challenge courses and is experienced on a wide variety of building styles including indoor, outdoor, poles and trees, dynamic and static courses. He also manages the talented crew that installs, builds and inspects those courses. “It’s different from day to day and week to week,” he said about his job. Motivated by the problem-solving aspect of his work, he said, “I like meeting new people and helping them design activities and programs that fit their needs.”
Todd spent 11 years with Project Adventure before joining High 5 as a founding member in 2000. “We’re a dedicated group of people that really cares about our clients and their program needs.” He has been involved with ACCT since its inception and was present during the drafting of the original installation standards. “You won’t find a more dependable person,” says Jim Grout. “He’s very proud of what he does and knows what he’s doing. You always get his best effort.” Todd holds a Bachelor of Science in Outdoor Recreation from Unity College.
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