Organizational Development with Mike Cardus


  • Episode 87:   Mike Cardus joins VPP host Phil Brown to discuss Organization Development.  First they discuss how Experiential Education informs Mike’s work in Organizational Development.  Next they will tackle the question of how the front-loading of activities needs to be adapted to work with corporate audiences.  And finally, they will explore the importance of context as it relates to experiential learning and working with groups.  Facilitators in both the corporate and non-corporate spheres will benefit from the approachable and applicable strategies presented today.  

Questions Presented In This Episode

  • How did you get your start in Experiential Education?
  • Can you share tips on how how to develop new activities, new variations as a facilitator?
  • What does the term “Exaptative” mean? 
  • How do you differentiate/develop your own authentic facilitation style?
  • Is there value in repeating activities with groups?
  • Can you share some strategies and experiential education tools you employ with corporate customers?  

More About Today’s Guest Here:

Mike has focused expertise in team building, managerial-leadership, and organization development. Frequently asked to create solutions to address the development of high-performance teams, retention of talent, the innovation of product and profit streams, group conflict, coaching of leaders, developing systems to drive positive behaviors, and development of knowledge to increase organizational and personal effectiveness. Working primarily with teams and management within these organizations, his role has been honed to coach, counsel, facilitate and conduct focused group work.

Learn more about Mike Cardus here: