Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Outdoor Industry


Episode 74: Today’s show explores the topic of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Outdoor Industry.  Host Phil Brown welcomes Rachel Hailey, who leads Rachel Hailey & Associates Consulting.  It’s an organization committed to creating positive change in the outdoor industry.  With this purpose in mind, you’ll discover new approaches to creating more diversity for all people in the outdoors.  

After some general introductions, Phil and Rachel jump right into a series of questions about diversity and how to make the outdoor adventure industry more inclusive.  With each new set of questions, Rachel’s answers get you energized and thinking about actionable steps to take.  Ultimately, the goal is to move the needle in the direction of making the outdoors and adventure experiences more accessible and inclusive for all.

Today’s conversation includes these questions:

  • How did you discover the world of adventure and the Outdoor Industry?
  • How does the word community influence and impact your work?
  • What actionable steps can organizations take to help diversity and make the Outdoor Industry more inclusive?
  • What are some of the barriers to change organizations face in their efforts?  And, what are some of the enablers that help organizations take action?
  • What can organizations, and the industry as a whole, do to promote trust and inclusion?
  • What is your hope for the future of the industry?

As the conversation winds down, Rachel shares her perspective on where things are heading for the industry and her hopes for the future.  She also shares some helpful tips for emerging professionals in the industry.  

You can learn more about Rachel here: rhaileyconsulting.com.

Resource(s) Mentioned in Podcast: Adventure Park Magazine, Fall 2020  Guiding Lights – Profiles of a few young men and women who are making a difference in the outdoor industry.