Keeping Our Clients, Community, and Friends Informed

June 26, 2020  

Our High 5 team continues to be inspiring with their daily actions to stay connected with each other and to our customers and friends in adventure learning.  While the past couple of months have certainly brought about many challenges and uncertainties in the world, this time has also provided an enormous opportunity for reflection and discussion on what is important both here at High 5 and globally. We want you to know that High 5 remains committed to doing everything we can to stop the spread of COVID-19, and to stop the spread of racism in our society.  We wholeheartedly support the Black Lives Matter movement and we know that this statement is only meaningful when paired with antiracist action. We at High 5 are firm in our commitment to doing better as individuals and as an organization in the days ahead.

Life at High 5 is slowly reopening. We are following all the recommendations from State and Federal authorities and have created a Back-to-Work internal task force to implement important protocols that will help to ensure the safety of our staff and customers.  We plan to resume some of our Challenge Course services in June and expect to begin running Workshops on our campus in July.  This could change based upon developments and recommendations on a state and national level so check back often. Your inquiries about Edge of Leadership programs, inspections, trainings, and Challenge Course repairs and builds keep our spirits high and provides a sense of normalcy for us, so contact us anytime about your plans for the future by phone at 802-254-8718 or by email A high part of our day is talking with you. So please keep in touch, call, write, visit our website and let us know how you are doing.

While the world is changing in ways we could not have imagined, know we continue to be here for you in the ways we have always been and that will not change.

All the best,

