Episode 73: Phil interviews his UK hometown connection Andrew Jillings, Outdoor Leadership Program Director at Hamilton College. There’s some small-world charm to this episode and you’ll quickly discover why throughout this episode on Outdoor Leadership Programs.
Right from the start, Phil quizzes Andrew on the jobs and internships he held prior to landing his dream job. A similar theme begins to emerge as they explore the career path taken by both experiential educators. In Andrew’s experience, mentors such as Karl Rohnke and Charlie Harrington provided pivotal role modeling and a deeper connection with experiential learning. Concepts such as FUNN – Functional Understanding Not Necessary and making the case for play for the sake of play alone are examined in the first quarter of the episode.
Phase two of the podcast takes up the thorny topic of managing risk and teaching students about risk in the Outdoor Leadership Program. How to talk to students about risk, and the outcomes of important risk management conversations are reviewed. Do you accentuate the negatives or maximize the positives in teaching risk management?
Next, Phil and Andrew discuss the merits of experience versus certification. Does one carry more clout when it comes to forging one’s career path in experiential education? This conversation is especially helpful to folks considering a career path in outdoor education and experiential education. The advice offered by Andrew is most helpful and includes attending an AEE conference.
Lastly, Andrew explains more about the trips and training of leaders in the Outdoor Leadership Program at Hamilton College. Finally, he shares a reading list for all Experiential Practitioners:
Click here to find out more about Hamilton College’s Outdoor Leadership Program
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