Online Professional Development Program for Teachers, Paraprofessionals, & Out-of-School Educators

Build community, communication, and connections with joyful, easy-to-integrate activities

High 5 Adventure Learning Center, a nonprofit training and youth leadership organization, created Rebuilding After COVID to help educators and youth leaders manage the impact of the pandemic on their students and staff. 

This online, self-guided social-emotional learning (SEL) training has resources and a proven activity-based program to help re-engage students and support the mental and physical health of everyone in the school or program community. Designed for upper elementary, middle school, and high school students, the program fits easily into instructional, advising, or community-building time.

Educators using Rebuilding After COVID report that their students showed improvements compared to others:

• Better communication
• Greater cooperation and problem solving skills
• Emotional self-regulation
• Re-engagement with learning
• Improved student-teacher relationships

Download our Case Study: See how one school made measurable improvements in student collaboration

“High 5’s Rebuilding After COVID is a pioneering accomplishment, providing a platform for those who teach and lead our youth to not only practice and increase social and emotional skills, but to use them to build relational trust and collective intelligence at school-wide and organizational levels.”

– Robert (Chip) Wood, Co-Founder, Responsive Classroom and Co-Creator, Soul of Leadership, Author, Yardsticks: Child Development

Rebuilding After COVID Includes:

Rebuilding Community: Resources and activities to restore school or program climate and rebuild connections.
Rebuilding Emotional Wellbeing: Resources and activities to restore emotional regulation and help students express difficult emotions.
Rebuilding Physicality: Resources and activities to overcome the effects of social distancing, screen learning, and internalized experiences of trauma.
Professional Resources: Quick start facilitation tips, downloadable guides, templates for program evaluation, resources for team meetings, and in-service days.

Download a Free Sample Lesson: “Switch Seats”


Contact us for special school and district packages

 Built for Time-Strapped Educators
 In less than 10 minutes you can find an activity or prompt, learn how to lead it, and bring it to your students:

  • Easily searchable, state-of-the-art online learning site.
  • More than 30 proven community-building activities discussions, and lessons— each with easy-to-follow demonstration videos and instructions.
  • Informed by leading trauma recovery research and aligned with the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) framework.
  • Flexible structure that can be easily combined with other programs.
  • Live online training and onboarding support from the High 5 team.
  • Earn CEUs for your participation 
  • Meets American Rescue Plan Act and ESSER funding requirements.

Your purchase of this professional development program helps support High 5’s mission as a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to building stronger communities. Each subscription is for a single user and grants you unlimited access for two years from the purchase date.

If paying by purchase order, please contact us before registering.

Take a Tour of the Rebuilding After COVID Site:

What Educators are Saying About Rebuilding After COVID:


CREATES JOY: “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen them laugh that hard.” – Mike S., teacher

BUILDS COMMUNITY: “The students all felt like it brought us together as a class, which was the goal. They asked if we could do more activities like this. I think it was absolutely successful and look forward to trying another High 5 activity with this group.” – Sonia D., teacher.

RE-ENGAGES LEARNING: “I’ve found that the SEL connections made while doing these types of activities carry over to the classroom setting. They’re more collaborative during projects and more pleasant to each other in general.” – Michael S., teacher

SUPPORTS CURRICULUM: “All of my classes enjoyed Rhyme or Reason. Most thought it would be easy after hearing the rules, but realized it was more difficult when it was their turn. Once they got the hang of it, we tried to speed it up to see how they could do. There was a lot more laughter and panic as we moved more quickly. We eventually turned it into an elimination game. If you couldn’t think of a word in 3 seconds, then you were eliminated, and we would see who could last the longest. I played in all 6 classes, and I didn’t win once! In another class, someone mentioned something we are currently learning about (World War 2) and they kept going around listing everything they learned/knew about the war – it was really cool to see them relate it to the class curriculum. They got in a really good flow and only stopped because the bell rang for class to end.” – John C., teacher

IMPROVES STUDENT-TEACHER RELATIONSHIPS: “While my students were highly engaged and having fun, I was learning things about them that I hadn’t known before. Knowing these things allows me a better teacher to them.” – Julie W., teacher


Rebuilding After COVID is made possible in part through the generosity of C&S Wholesale Grocers 
