Overcoming Fear with Ella


Episode 208: In this short conversation, Ella Brown discusses her experiences learning and performing scary activities like skiing and circus skills. Ella also talks about managing nervousness and self-doubt, performing with an audience, and the importance of encouragement and support. She reflects on her fears and how she overcomes them, as well as the role of empathy in understanding others’ nervousness. Ella discusses her dreams for future challenges and the joy of learning new tricks.

Topics Presented and Episode Takeaways:

  • Adults can be helpful when teaching and supporting children in scary activities by providing encouragement and support.

  • Managing nervousness and self-doubt is important for performing well in challenging activities.

  • Performing with an audience can be scarier, but the support and encouragement from the audience can also be motivating.

  • Empathy and understanding for others’ nervousness can help in providing support and encouragement.

  • Overcoming fear and facing challenges can lead to a sense of worth and accomplishment.

  • Learning new tricks and taking on new challenges can be exciting and rewarding.